
How to Prevent Your Company from Default

Every company has sales targets that ensure business growth, but during financial downturns, it’s common for customers to seek payment terms.

To maintain sales in this scenario, offering payment flexibility is essential. However, sales should be executed with caution to avoid a high default rate. It’s important to be vigilant when extending credit to customers through some simple measures:

  • Conducting a credit analysis before finalizing a sale on credit is essential.
  • Go beyond the information you have in your database and conduct a more comprehensive search.

Before granting credit, it’s possible to check the tax situation and history of customers. A comprehensive report with a CPF or CNPJ Consultation provides important information about registration details and the status with the Federal Revenue.

To grant credit more effectively, use the inquiries provided by the Procob System; your sales process will be much more accurate.

The Complete CPF/CNPJ Consultation offers a comprehensive report of the provided document, including data from various searches such as:

  • Personal Information
  • Address
  • Phone numbers (home, mobile, business, and others)
  • Emails
  • Status with the Federal Revenue
  • Geomarketing
  • Possible relatives
  • Residents at the same address
  • Neighbors of the searched addresses
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